Wow, a sudden spurge in blogs by some close friends in recent time, urged me to get back to what I always thought as the outlet of emotions, frustrations and GOD knows what...
Now come to think of it, what should I write about....I guess we all have had enough of nostalgic stuff about college life and friends, had made lots and lots of collage, dedicated videos and sometimes an entire website even.
So whats new that is capturing my mind?
Hmmm..tough but I guess the sudden feeling of maturity and the art of forgiveness.
Well ideological stuff, isn't it. A few days back a very good friend of mine, Abhijeet wrote something about the unending questions in life..
My answer was "The day you get the answer for these questions will be the day you achieve enlightenment. You would need the answers to rise above the pity rat race of human lives, always plotting some1 or the other's downfall.
You need to introspect and become satisfied, you need to stop asking questions..."
Now comes the point what would make us stop asking these questions, I believe it is the art of Forgiveness.
History is a witness of great people like Gandhi, Mandela, Gates who have used this art to achieve great heights.
We should learn to free ourselves from all the tensions, we should learn to forgive others for their mistakes, we should accept them as they are and not try and mould them as we want them to be.
The early we realise the better. The more we don't the more grey our hair become ( :P, I know a PJ )
Forgiveness is a cure to all the jealousy, tension and bitching in this world. It is not difficult to forgive oneself, as many of us do it on daily basis :D ; but it is about forgiving others. It is about rising to a new level. it is about remaining unaffected about the distractions outside. It is about attaining that focus levels we always dreamt off.
Ahhh...many of you would say Milan, easier said than done, and many of you would second the thought Milan you should try that first.
Well am not saying it is easy, but we have to take a step forward, lets make a start today if we haven't till now. Let's start by forgiving the past for the mishaps and welcoming the future on lighter shoulders.
Let us try and face the present and future with a more open mind and introspect the past and laugh at the mistakes and let them fly by.
You are bound to feel light and come up bright. (Wow...the last line did rhyme..)
The war to end all wars is to fight for inner peace!!