Saturday, November 14, 2009

The art of Forgiveness...

Wow, a sudden spurge in blogs by some close friends in recent time, urged me to get back to what I always thought as the outlet of emotions, frustrations and GOD knows what...

Now come to think of it, what should I write about....I guess we all have had enough of nostalgic stuff about college life and friends, had made lots and lots of collage, dedicated videos and sometimes an entire website even.

So whats new that is capturing my mind?

Hmmm..tough but I guess the sudden feeling of maturity and the art of forgiveness.

Well ideological stuff, isn't it. A few days back a very good friend of mine, Abhijeet wrote something about the unending questions in life..

My answer was "The day you get the answer for these questions will be the day you achieve enlightenment. You would need the answers to rise above the pity rat race of human lives, always plotting some1 or the other's downfall.
You need to introspect and become satisfied, you need to stop asking questions..."

Now comes the point what would make us stop asking these questions, I believe it is the art of Forgiveness.

History is a witness of great people like Gandhi, Mandela, Gates who have used this art to achieve great heights.

We should learn to free ourselves from all the tensions, we should learn to forgive others for their mistakes, we should accept them as they are and not try and mould them as we want them to be.

The early we realise the better. The more we don't the more grey our hair become ( :P, I know a PJ )

Forgiveness is a cure to all the jealousy, tension and bitching in this world. It is not difficult to forgive oneself, as many of us do it on daily basis :D ; but it is about forgiving others. It is about rising to a new level. it is about remaining unaffected about the distractions outside. It is about attaining that focus levels we always dreamt off.

Ahhh...many of you would say Milan, easier said than done, and many of you would second the thought Milan you should try that first.

Well am not saying it is easy, but we have to take a step forward, lets make a start today if we haven't till now. Let's start by forgiving the past for the mishaps and welcoming the future on lighter shoulders.

Let us try and face the present and future with a more open mind and introspect the past and laugh at the mistakes and let them fly by.

You are bound to feel light and come up bright. (Wow...the last line did rhyme..)

The war to end all wars is to fight for inner peace!!


Friday, August 14, 2009


62 years of freedom...

this independence is a vicious circle,,,but are we really free??

corruption, poverty, illiteracy, reservations, castism, dirty politics, shame..

make us believe we r nt in real sense...


there is alwayz light at the end of tunnel, a day break at the end of night and our unity in diversity, our roots, our optimism, our youth, our making a start and even one can make a difference, still ignite that hope in us make us realize that...


because if there would be no evil then there would be no meaning to FREEDOM!!!


Monday, May 11, 2009


wow..interesting topic..
lately i have been going through a lot of newspapers about how one mr. mulayam singh yadav has come up wiith a political agenda of banning English and computers.....(yea thath's true!!!)

Tough faced with staunch criticism from reputed people like Amartya Sen condemming it as regressive. Tough Singh's opposition to computers is not grounded in reality-as the march of technology is unstoppable but what about english...

what about it???

well yea we would all laugh off this idea as well but just maybe giving it a little serious consideration..

Language is not just a means of communications but also a representation of our cultural ethics and identity of our society. There is no harm in learning english or for that matter any other foriegn language as a window to the world, but should it be at the cost of ou own language...?????
If the world has become a global village, it does not mean that only one language should survive and rest should die. but unfortunately this is not the case.

At the latest language forum held by was announced that 3000 of the 6000 laungages present in the world were on the verge of dissapearance

India on the other hand recognized as the most diverged linguistic nation in the world by UN, lists 196 languages in India on the verge of extinction.If the trend continues the world would be robbed of it's diversity.

According to latest Atlas of world languages, over 200 languages have dissapeared over the last three generations and of the endangered languages 200 have less than 10 speakers and around 175 have between 10 and 50

From these facts what i want to say is that with loss of a language leads to loss of culture, heritage of traditions.

There's been an attempt to pass of english," language of elite" on masses in the name it being a link language to the world. There is a growing misconception that English is the language of wisdom and great prosperity.
Our Indian culture and languages had spread across the world when english was not even heard of in this region. Let's talk countries like Germany, Japan, China who progressed without learning English. Even today in major parts of Europe English is an alien language to the masses.

Countries like Japan preserved their native language by sourcing whatever books came in from trade ships and translating them and spreading it among the masses, this way they gained information from overseas and preserved their own language and culture.

In the end would just like to say that just to be able to march towards the connected world's beat, we can't afford to privilege English over our native tongues..


Friday, May 8, 2009

My Madness

hmm...interesting topic to write a blog..."My Madness" or in other words "my pagalpan"..

well how would you define this....some term it as being paranoid.. i.e being too obsessed with something in a more negative way!!!

on the other hand i would like to take it differently, for me my madness is my passion, my willingness, my goals, my aims.
for me my madness is to excel at whatever i do, i don't like being bounded by limitations, i want to break them create a boundryless world...
i like to know my weakness and challenge them in order to extend my reach!!!...

now i have been questioned many a times how dis passion or my madness not an obsession...hmm because yes tough it's my madness to excel at things but yes am aware of my surroundings and barriers...
i don't believe in being an outright rebel and going all out breaking those barriers, i like to work in and around the system that's present and then change it's outlook to vanish those barriers...

so yes my madness is my passion which i follow to my heart!!!

would like to sum it up with these lines

Some one said to me
"You see so little of what's so large behind"
I replied
"Do Look high it's there to see,
but don't overstress
You'll never reach
Concentrate on one step at a time
It'll ensure you go long in time!!"

this is y my dear friend
i do see the SKY
but i know where to end!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

first blog--last dayz f my cllg!!!

well guyzzz this is my first blog of any kind so no offense!!!!

hmm..well let me touch a topic thts close to my heart today..

last few dayz of my college...24th august 2005..i stepped into this college of mine CITM as my first foray into the outer world.
to be frank, i didn't have a dream school life...waz a lot introvert and shy...dough i had started opening during last year of school but still had a lot of catching up to do

so began my steps into the real world, and 4 years down d line nd sumthng like nn number of trips old, nn friendships nd nn heartbreaks...m a changed person.
during these 4 years believe it or not..i have seen a world, where politics plays a play maker, girls play heart breaker, friendships change like weather...i have grown both mentally and emotionally...

but yes i have found some friendz whu have stood d test f time, whu i call pillars f ma life, i luv dem all, i have also cherished some experiences called life turners or i may say heart turners :P

but in d end as dey it's d journey that matters not the end...and now that the end is near i want to ride dat journey just once again!!!